What is Hair Transplant

A hair transplant is a form of hair restoration for those who have receding and balding hair.

The Process

Our FUE process works by transplanting individual hair follicles from an area of the scalp where the hair is fuller. The follicles are then transplanted to the area of the head with little to no hair.

Growth Stage

Hair starts growing a few days after the procedure. However for full growth it takes between 8 and 11 months.

Before / After Video

Beard and Moustache Transplant

Are you looking for a Beard and moustache transplant? Our doctors with experience in doing hundreds of cases will give you the best possible results.
since 2006
Expert doctors & certified professionals
Completed more than 10000+ hair transplants
Winner of Asianet Excellence Award

Are you looking for 2nd session of Hair Transplantation?

One of the most common questions that hair transplant surgeons face is whether a single session of hair transplant will be enough to give the desired coverage and result. In most of the cases, only one session is required, but some patients could benefit from a second session to improve density, and the overall look. Here, we are considering this aspect in detail.

How much does it cost?

Cost depends on various factors like area of baldness, density of existing hair, quality and number of donor hair available etc. Fill up the form below and we will arrange to meet our Doctors to get the exact cost.